Monday, May 19, 2008

Monthly unlimited VoIP calling plan for Bangladesh, India and Pakistan

Another USA VoIP provider named Quantum Tone ( is currently offering unlimited calling to huge amount of countries including three south Asian countries means Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. But their package rate is relatively higher and unlimited free calling is limited to only four fixed numbers (whether mobile or landline). Its service is similar to Yupee Phone and same equipments are needed for activating this service (read my previous blog about Yupee Phone for better understanding). Under unlimited calling plan, the monthly cost is same ($ 64.99) for all the three countries and for activating the service in case of first month $ 109.44 is needed (but for outside of USA people cost will be some more due to addition of higher transportation cost). If you are interested then you can directly visit their website for further details and also do not forget to read FAQ section of their website.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Unlimited free VoIP calling to Bangladesh and India (landline and mobile both are included)

A VoIP phone operator named Yupee Phone ( is currently offering free unlimited monthly calling package to worldwide 60 countries including Bangladesh and India (both landline and mobile) and the price is only 18.95 dollar per month. Primarily you need to spend 74.95 dollar (also some variable transportation costs for outside USA people for sending this device to desired destination) for buying this service. The price includes a telephone device or adapter and a free 22 dollar credit. If you go for unlimited monthly calling package then you can use this credit for paying your monthly fees. The main thing is needed for you is an unlimited broadband internet service in your home because the telephone adapter will be connected to the internet. You can visit their website for further detailed information.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Another very cheap calling opportunity to Bangladesh, India and Pakistan

An Australian VOIP service provider ( is offering very cheap calling package to huge number of countries worldwide including Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. It has lot of calling plans/pakages and under 'Swift-SAVER' plan you can make very cheap calls. Under this plan you have to pay a monthly basic free of 9.95 AUS dollar. Then you can make 30 free calls per month to a list of destinations including Bangladesh, India and Pakistan and per call cost is only 20 AUS cent. And every call duration is maximum two hours but it is applicable to only land phone lines. So, suppose if you everyday call one time to your home country's land phone and talk maximum two hours and by this way one month then total cost will be 6 AUS dollars plus monthly basic frees 9.95 AUS dollars equals to 15.95 AUS dollars! If you are interested then you can try their service.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Cheapest calling to Bangladesh and India

At this moment one betamax company called ‘Calleasy’ ( is offering cheapest call to Bangladesh (both 1 euro cent to landline and mobile) and India (both 2 euro cent to landline and mobile). But ‘Calleasy’ has no softphone like Voipwise, Voipraider or Lowratevoip that’s why if anybody buy ‘Calleasy’ credit and use it through mobile then some extra cost is added every time and then the price goes much higher than their official saying/mentioned cost. ‘Calleasy’ has a list of access numbers and you have to call from your mobile to any one of those access numbers, then finally you have to put your destination number there and your call will be connected. So, for every minute calling you have to pay some extra amount of money means local rate of that access number country (may be 5/6 euro cent per minute for calling to that access number) and also their official charge (say 1 euro cent in case of Bangladesh) and finally your total cost is much higher than their mentioned rate. And here is another great problem. They have only 9 countries (Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and UK) in their local access number list. So, if anybody from outside these 9 countries list want to buy credit from ‘Calleasy’ then when he/she dials to any of the access numbers from his/her mobile phone then it will be considered as international rate. Then can you imagine how huge will be the per minute cost (1 min. international rate of any one of those 9 countries + 1/2 euro cent)! But here is a trick so that you can call in their mentioned rate (suppose in case of Bangladesh it is 1 euro cent or for India 2 euro cent) and also no problem if you are presently in outside of their 9 countries list. For using this trick, you need a softphone (for example: Voipwise, Voipraider, Lowratevoip or any other softphone from betamax). Now you have to use any one access number from their mentioned 9 countries list but here you have to make sure that this access number is under total free call destinations of your using softphone (for example: in case of Voipwise any landlines of Austria, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and UK are totally free so you will use any one access number from this 8 countries but not Croatia because it is out of list in Voipwise). Now place an access number (for example: Germany’s access number is 00492213549090) to any softphone of betamax (suppose: Voipwise, Lowratevoip etc.) and dial. One voice will ask you to put the pin number because you are not calling from your mobile so system is unable to identify your caller ID. When you register to ‘Calleasy’ they will provide you a 9 digit client number and now input this 9 digit number……then the voice will tell you to put your destination number… place it and your call will be connected… start talking!

You can easily share your experience and comments in this fast growing ‘Free VOIP Calling’ blog. Lets enjoy!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Free calling to Bangladesh and Pakistan

Lowratevoip ( is offering free calling to Bangladesh currently but only to landlines. But here one important thing you have to remember that the opportunity is only for one month (means from the day of buying lowratevoip credit to next 30 days and after it normal price will be charged from your account). After one month you again have to reload fund (suppose minimum 10 euro) to access free calls whether you have still money left in your account or not.

Pennytel ( offers 38.8 Australian cent call to many countries of the world including Pakistan (plus mobile). Just go to above mentioned website, see full list of destination countries and buy credit. Every time when you call, 38.8 Australian cent will be charged from your account but call duration is unlimited means till you drop the call by yourself.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Free worldwide calling with Voixio

Voixio ( is a flash based VOIP calling service. Voixio offers free international calls anywhere in the world with a special advertisements policy. The moment you hit the call button, an advertisement starts running in the Advertisement panel. Once the ad is over, the call is placed to the other party. When you go to Voixio, a screen will pop-up to enter your username/password, is where you log in by inputting your email address and password and clicking the login button and also given an option to register. Voixio will detect the webcams and microphones that are available on your computer and these will be displayed when you click the “Camera & Mic” button located under the main video window and to the right of the volume slider bar. You can make calls to Standard domestic and international, landline and mobile telephone numbers or other Voixio users or any SIP address. You can free conference calls between Voixio users. You can add callers to an existing conversation (or conference) by making a call to an additional user, thus inviting him/her to the conference. By this process I made free calls to Bangladesh, India, Sweden and lot of other European countries but call duration was less than 2 minutes. But all calls are free and that is the main crucial point. You can try this service.