At this moment one betamax company called ‘Calleasy’ ( is offering cheapest call to Bangladesh (both 1 euro cent to landline and mobile) and India (both 2 euro cent to landline and mobile). But ‘Calleasy’ has no softphone like Voipwise, Voipraider or Lowratevoip that’s why if anybody buy ‘Calleasy’ credit and use it through mobile then some extra cost is added every time and then the price goes much higher than their official saying/mentioned cost. ‘Calleasy’ has a list of access numbers and you have to call from your mobile to any one of those access numbers, then finally you have to put your destination number there and your call will be connected. So, for every minute calling you have to pay some extra amount of money means local rate of that access number country (may be 5/6 euro cent per minute for calling to that access number) and also their official charge (say 1 euro cent in case of Bangladesh) and finally your total cost is much higher than their mentioned rate. And here is another great problem. They have only 9 countries (Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and UK) in their local access number list. So, if anybody from outside these 9 countries list want to buy credit from ‘Calleasy’ then when he/she dials to any of the access numbers from his/her mobile phone then it will be considered as international rate. Then can you imagine how huge will be the per minute cost (1 min. international rate of any one of those 9 countries + 1/2 euro cent)! But here is a trick so that you can call in their mentioned rate (suppose in case of Bangladesh it is 1 euro cent or for India 2 euro cent) and also no problem if you are presently in outside of their 9 countries list. For using this trick, you need a softphone (for example: Voipwise, Voipraider, Lowratevoip or any other softphone from betamax). Now you have to use any one access number from their mentioned 9 countries list but here you have to make sure that this access number is under total free call destinations of your using softphone (for example: in case of Voipwise any landlines of Austria, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and UK are totally free so you will use any one access number from this 8 countries but not Croatia because it is out of list in Voipwise). Now place an access number (for example: Germany’s access number is 00492213549090) to any softphone of betamax (suppose: Voipwise, Lowratevoip etc.) and dial. One voice will ask you to put the pin number because you are not calling from your mobile so system is unable to identify your caller ID. When you register to ‘Calleasy’ they will provide you a 9 digit client number and now input this 9 digit number……then the voice will tell you to put your destination number… place it and your call will be connected… start talking!
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